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Top 5 Apps for Windows 8 (8.1) Users

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So let me guess;

You have installed Windows 8 on your device and are now on the lookout for the top Windows apps? Well, search no more because you have come to EXACTLY the right place. This article mentions the top Windows apps that will not only boost your love for Windows 8, but will also make you hate the others even more! I sound a bit unreal, right? Well, WRONG! Download and use the apps listed below and we’ll see just how “realistic” you sound after that.

Top Most Downloaded Apps for Windows 8

Metro Toolbox

Price: free

This multi-functional app has made the content writer’s job all the more difficult. Why? Because one cannot just know, which tool to describe first and which to describe even before that!

Metro Toolbox is a Windows app that packs multiple tools in a single box, including calculator, programmer calculator, statistics, clock, stopwatch, and unit conversion meters. It makes use of the horizontal and vertical screens of the device used, and allows for comfortable usage for the user. What’s more? It’s free on the Microsoft store!

Best Vines

Price: Free

While sense of humor may differ from person to person, it all coincides when watching short, hilarious video clips. And when you get these video clips on your Windows mobile phone, you can guarantee yourself a cheerful day.

Best Vine Best Humour Videos Watch

Best Vines is a Windows 8 phone app that allows users to view short, looping videos created by real people, for real people across the world. Admittedly, it may not be the most “gentleman-act” to laugh at people tripping, or a baby crying. But hey! We’ve all been there, right?

Download Best Vines from the Windows Store now and watch real life clips like never before.

PDF Touch

Price: $2.99

With PDF Touch, PDF documents have been given a completely newer “touch”, if you may. Its touch-optimized interface supports the pinch/zoom feature which certainly comes in handy when reading documents. Furthermore, it allows the user to edit the documents and mark them up with a fingertip. So the next time you wish to view or edit PDF documents, remember, you have this at your fingertips.

MyRadar Weather Radar

Price: free

With MyRadar, a free Windows 8 application, knowing about the current weather condition and making near forecasts has never been easier. MyRadar is a fast, easy-to-use app that uses animations to display weather situation around your current location, saving you from any sudden weather hiccups. Just open the app, wait for the system to display your position, and review the radar to see what is coming your way.

TuneIn Radio

Price: free

This Windows 8 app is for all the radio listeners out there who like a little music ringing in their ears while they travel on a bus, or go to work, or go on a walk, or simply do anything. TuneIn Radio is like no other radio app. Why? Just hear this out;

TuneIn Radio is a new way to listen to music, sports, and news from every corner of the Earth, with over 60,000 radio stations and over 2 million on-demand programs.


Download this app from the Windows store and revolutionize the way you listen to radio!

This article listed and described some of the most exuberant and the most fun Windows 8 applications that can be easily downloaded via the Windows app store. Make sure you get a hold of these fascinating apps and redefine your Windows experience.

Also, to revive your Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 performance, we have a features free software that can help you optimize your system performance. Download Registry Recycler freeware for fixing Windows 8 (8.1) registry errors.


Apps not Starting in Windows 8 – [Fixed]

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